Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Love You, (Wo)Man

In the movie 'I Love You, Man', remember how sweet it was to see the Rashida Jones character being walked up the aisle by her best friends?

how sweet.

Yeah... I'm going to be more like the Paul Rudd character in that movie: totes friend-less.

c/o All Posters

After my third grade year, I moved two hours away from my school and started fourth grade in a new place. I had two year to make connections before I upped and moved to a new middle school, where none of my new friends were attending. I made close friends in middle and high school, but then I moved far, far away for college, and never kept super close ties with anyone.

When will my Shrek come along? I'll make them waffles...

I've kind of been friendless for the past 8 years I lived here. I'm not unhappy not having close friends (that's what JOEL is for! And the internet!!) and I definitely have people I count as 'friends', but I'm not close enough to anyone to ask someone to by my bridesmaid. It's a pickle that I've been thinking a lot about.

So what's a girl to do? Joel has guy friends that he's been close with since elementary school and he wants them to stand up beside him on his big day. I can't stop him from having groomsmen! But it's going to look pretty lopsided when the bride has one. I have some girls in mind that I may ask, but I know that a lot of the big bridesmaid/bride traditions won't be the same. For example:

Pros of not having any bridesmaids/Only having a few:
  • Not having to please a huge group of girls with an outfit choice 
  • Saving beau coup $$$
  • Less drama 

I'm okay with that and having a lopsided wedding party. The only person I care about standing up with me is Joel, and he's going to be by my side all day, and of course, for the rest of my life : )

Was picking a wedding party an easy choice? Did you have to pay someone to stand up for you? Or are you keeping it simple with no wedding party?


  1. for me, picking the wedding party was the easiest: my sister, that's it!

    1. ...and I've never seen I love you man, lol

    2. See, if I had a sister I would totally be set! And all my cousins are at least 10 years older than I. BTW, go see 'I Love You, Man'! It's hilarious!

  2. I feel your pain! I've moved a lot of times during my life. I've gone to A LOT of different schools, and I even changed universities... So I understand you when you say you are "friendless". I have a few friend from uni but they are not BEST friends... Thankfully, in Spain there is no tradition of having bridesmaids...
