Friday, December 13, 2013

The Marriage Plot

I wasn't surprised when J proposed.

Well, I was surprised, because I wasn't expecting his proposal in that very moment, but I wasn't surprised that J wanted to marry me. We've been together for over 8 years, and from year 6 on we've had many serious conversations about marriage. The conversations were often long, filled with many points and counterpoints and "Are you ready?"'s and "Well, when will we be ready?" Really fun, fun stuff.

sometimes our conversations felt a bit like this

It was a long process, similar to baking a pan of brownies: you check the oven, stick a toothpick in it, it comes out covered in batter, so you give it a few minutes, try again, still not ready, so you say, '5 MORE MINUTES!' then, bam, the toothpick is clean and you're getting married.

Coming to a joint decision about getting married was important to both of us. It wasn't one person coming to the other with the question, but instead a mutual decision to take our relationship and cement it forever. I'm really looking forward to all of the things we will do in the future together as a married unit: buy a house, get a practice baby (aka a dog), make some real babies, have a wonderful family, and go through all of life's ups and downs. I'm really excited to be Joel's wife and I'm even more super excited to have him be my husband.

Overall, deciding to get married was a fun and only minimally stressful process. Did you and your fiancé have an 'engagement decision' rather than a traditional proposal?

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